- Essential Oils
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- Essential Oils

- Essential Oils
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- Essential Oils

Emotional Breakthrough Coaching Session
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Emotional Breakthrough Coaching
Includes: - Feeling heard with what is going in your life mentally, emotionally, and physically - Addressing what is coming up for you most in the present moment by looking at what emotion, oil, or physical indicator you're resonating with - Looking deeper and working through questions to reframe your viewpoint in a different light - A declaration & visualization you'll be able to use as a tool after you leave the session - Nourishing yourself by establishing action steps to integrate this new awareness Process.. Release.. Live FREE 👉 The beautiful thing about these coaching sessions is that you get the tools and awareness to not let your emotions control you. By stepping into this awareness, you'll notice a ripple effect afterward that continues to unfold long after the session is over. Once you book your time, you will receive an email with next steps. I look forward to holding space for you! $55
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Event time zone:America/New York GMT-05:00Book Now

My mission is to help you feel more empowered in your health and life, using healing gifts of the earth.
Consciously Kallie © 2023 | Designed By practicalwebsitedesign.com |
*Disclaimer: The statements and information found throughout this website are based off personal experience, and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. If you have any illness, disease, or chronic health condition, you should seek out a trained professional. You remain responsible for what you do with this information, determining for yourself if you might benefit from anything here, in pursuit of your health and wellness goals.